Insurance is actually very important to our lives, because of the importance of insurance, then on this occasion I will give some tips for choosing the best insurance providers or companies that so many in Indonesia, a result of too large number, then sometimes we hard choosing a provider or insurance company where the best
Things to keep in mind that in choosing a private insurance company, then that should be considered is generally three factors: first, financial strength (security). Second, the service. And third, the fees.
Financial strength of the insurance company's financial capability that are concerned to fulfill his promise if circumstances require. It is important to know, because not a few insurance companies that seem beyond luxury. For example, vehicle direksinya-floor building, nice-nice. But when going on the claims of the customer, the company could not afford to pay.
In assessing financial strength are some benchmarks to note.
• Assets and liability. This can be seen from the report of the financial balance sheet which was announced in newspapers. See also, whether its investments planted at current or longterm. In terms of liability (the ability of paying off obligations) will be visible on the balance sheet, how the loan on reasuradur, how does he meet the obligation to pay a claim, and so forth.
• Indicators of a liability among other net equity (private equity) divided the net premiums (net premiums) at least 50%. Own capital divided gross premiums at least 20%. Solvability level limit, which is visible from the capital itself divided at least 10% of net premiums and investment fund shared backup techniques at least 100%.
• Underwriting Policy. In the balance sheet and the annual report it would seem that the insurance is still a good thing, or is experiencing profit growth. This means his nice underwiting policy.
• Underwriter. Insurance have staffs qualified or not. It is known from a corporate profile that contains the underwriter.
For that, there are still many types of insurance you can select and consider. Never too believe with seduction and a description of the insurance agents, but how can you get advice or guidance is constantly from the agents about your insurance.

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