Retirement is a situation where someone is no longer productive or arguably has not been able to work and earn. The age of people who retire usually ranges between 60 up to 70 years. Everyone will surely experience the old and retired so that not a few of us are scared and worried because there will be can no longer earn for posterity. To answer the anxiety, then the pension insurance service is the answer.
Live the retirement with a happy life is the hope of every human being. By using the service retirement insurance then all would be resolved.
The Development Of Pension Insurance
Insurance was originally created for protection to protect the consequences in terms of finance that will appear if the person insured dies. For example if there is an employee dies then the insurance company will provide protection in the form of compensation commonly referred to by the given sum assured to the family left behind.
In its development of insurance is now not only sell products with nature protection alone however has now been towed with a product that is investment. This is now the most popular in Indonesia is community link units where later in addition to the protection he at once can also invest. For example if you take the policy but then within 10 years of your death, the beneficiary or the family you leave behind will get the sum assured a number of 100 million. This is called protectionism. However, if within 10 years that you still are given health then you will still get the money 100 million after 10 years since you took. That's what's called an investment element.
Benefits and Retirement Insurance Funds Illustration Examples
For more details regarding the pension insurance fund then here will be given illustration when you already have insurance pensions and retirement you've arrived.
For example, you now was 30 years old and do not have the habit of smoking and working in an Office. You take the initiative to join the pension insurance with monthly salary cut 1 million/month for 10 years. Then the amount saved in 10 years are 120.000.000. calculated by way of 1 million x 10 years x 12 months and the result is 120.000.000. the insurance then you will have a big advantage.
First advantage i.e. the funds you invest the opportunity to develop into 158.900.000 within 10 years. But if you don't pick it up then that number could develop into 856 million when you aged 55 years (the span of 25 years) and can also be a number of 3 billion when you are 65 years old. The advantage of the latter, namely protection of health, if you are hospitalized for more than two days a number of a maximum of 1 million per day or 150,5 million per year. The third advantage, namely the protection of permanent disability a number of 260 million as well as protection against 33 kinds of diseases are categorized as critical of 100 million. The advantage to four, namely family legacy to an amount of 250 million or 500 million if you died because of an accident before the age of 60 years.
Immediately disconnect the old bright to You by following the retirement insurance program with a wide range of guarantees and benefits will also be useful for you and your beloved family.

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